Prozession, 2011
In Prozession, Antje Majewski’s niece Julia and her friends create some colorful paper objects in the artist’s studio. The objects represent abstracted forms of the Gimel objects that had been put together out of paper: a ball (black ball), a cube (meteorite), a kind of bonbon (Buddha’s hand) and a paper lotus flower. Singing, the carry them in a procession out of the house, across the street and into a small park. They walk to the canal singing, bringing the objects to place into the water – just as one would make a sacrifice to Yemanja, Mami Wata or Guan Yin. In Berlin they simply fly to the water and flow down the Havel, until they are caught in the reeds.
The film was shot after Majewski’s return from China, where she witnessed a procession for Guan Yin (see: The Buddha Han, Celebration of Guan Yin’s Birthday, Bai Que Temple, Peach Blossom Island, China 2011).
PS. The same blue-and-white striped railway pillars are visible in the background as in the Gardeners of the Mechanical Objects.